Ellie Ricketts

Chill Coach

I am a Macmillan Professional, working as a counsellor in the Mustard Tree Cancer Support Centre in University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust and a Chill “Into the Blue” coach. 

Getting into cold water has been a joyful instinct since my childhood on Dorset beaches. I am a regular outdoor swimmer, soaking up the great outdoors swimming any body of water I can, my entire whole life.

I am passionately determined to share the transformative powers of cold water to people with cancer as a powerful thrive based response to the pain and distress of cancer diagnosis and treatment. I established and lead “Into the Blue”, Chill cold-water courses for people at any stage, after a cancer diagnosis in June 2023.

Ellie Ricketts
Chill Coach

Join us on the beach for sea sessions to naturally help manage anxiety and depression.